The Creative Translation& Photographic Language
We recognized that the brand’s strength lies in its products: a wide and breathtaking range of unmanned advanced aircraft that had not been adequately showcased to the world until then. In our research on how international technology brands (such as Tesla, Apple, and others) present their products – from headphones through iPads to electric cars – a clear image emerged: the products are the heroes in every scenario.
We embarked on an innovative process that took the brand from the military world to the cutting edge of technology, presenting Aeronautics’ military hardware in a way similar to how Tesla presents its new cars. Like any breakthrough endeavor, it required a lot of courage and audacity from the customer, who gladly and proudly agreed to go along with our vision.
The language serves the creative choice of turning the aircraft into heroes, in an innovative and striking way compared to the conservatism of the security-military category. Since an image is worth a thousand words, we took every product photograph to the extreme, in a groundbreaking project that involved numerous days of shooting.